Q1. What is CPA and how it is being implemented in the context of DAGP?
Citizen Participatory Audit is a relatively new way for citizens' participation in public sector audits. It seeks to actively involve citizens and civil society groups and organizations in the audit process. In various countries citizens and CSOs are engaged in execution of audit, inclusive of gathering of audit evidence. In case of Pakistan, the DAGP will implement CPA in a phased manner. In the initial phase CSOs/citizens will be able to provide suggestions for areas which they want the audit to focus on. The suggestions may relate to conducting of various types of audit like performance, special, thematic or compliance audit. For example, a CSO may suggest that there are issues requiring compliance or performance audit in an education or health sector related program, or the way matters are being run at a government hospital facility etc. The DAGP may then incorporate such suggestions in ongoing audits of that sector or entity, or ensure their inclusion when planning new audits.
Q2. What is the procedure for sending an audit request under CPA?
The process of CPA starts with the citizens and representatives of civil society organizations/NGOs registering their profile at the Pakistan Citizen Portal. From there they select “Suggestions” and then “Auditor General of Pakistan,” as illustrated below:
Q3. What is the role of DAGP in present phase of CPA?
- Review the suggestions for audit given by citizens/CSOs
- Identify suggestions that can be practicably included in ongoing audits or in annual audit plan, based on relevance to audit plan, on-going audits and subject to resource availability
- Engage the citizen/organization in audit planning
- Assign audit to the relevant office of DAGP to conduct fresh audit or incorporate the suggestions in ongoing audits
- Provide feedback to the citizen/CSO whose suggestions have been selected for inclusion in audit
- Communicate the results of the audit to the requesting citizen/organization
- Build the capacity of citizens/organizations and other stakeholders in matters related to CPA
Q4. What is the role of citizens and organizations representing citizens in CPA?
- Contribute in suggesting/ identifying audit subjects
- Provide adequate justification in support of their suggestions for audit
- Provide relevant data and information where necessary
Q5. What is the envisaged role of DAGP in future phases of CPA?
- Selection of partner CSOs based on determined criteria
- Garnering support from partner CSOs/citizens in collection of evidence relevant to audit
Q6. What areas are eligible to be audited through CPA?
Eligible areas are those which are of public interest. For instance areas pertaining to
- Quality of service delivery by public sector entities (institutions, projects, programs etc.)
- Performance of government organizations, projects and programs in terms of economy, efficiency and effectiveness in utilization of public money
- Fraud, corruption and mismanagement in utilization of public resources
- Cross-cutting themes and processes pertaining to sustainable development goals, environment-related issues, procurement, governance, gender-equity issues etc.
Q7. What is meant by ‘public interest?’
Public interest means ‘welfare of the general public and the whole society, not confined to certain groups or persons.'